Wednesday, March 15, 2006

paper break!

I finished Petrarch and the peasants cheered!!! Hahahahahahahaha!! I've also already finished Bruni. You've gotta love people who sum up their entire paper in the conclusion, so you only have to quote from the end to everything you want to say from them. Now we're headed for Guarino. He shouldn't take too long and then we hit machiavelli (the prince and the discourses, this is gonna take forever) and if I get really ambitious Castiglion's the Courtier (which i never even finished reading...) I might cuz castiglione. With both machiavellis i'll have 5 sources which was the goal. I'm listening to a fun poppy song to clear my head. Typing makes my brain hurt lol. Back to work i guess. Vale!


Anonymous said...

i like this song. good stuff

Janice said...

Thank you anonymous reader of my blog!

Anonymous said...

::be-lated cheering for Iana::