Friday, March 03, 2006

One down, two to go!

Ok so the first show went rather well. The only major disaster was my platform that was rocking like crazy. Throughout the show that's all I was thinking about. I can't believe I didn't go and check out my space before the show... but oh well it's over and the audience didn't even notice. I really nailed my random word monologue and the migration monologue but again the phone calls were lacking. But hopefully, magic will happen tonight and tomorrow and the peasants will cheer!!! Oh and Rachael came last night and brought me flowers which was soooooooo sweet and put up with me while i ranted about how much i suck and all the crazy things that went wrong that only i knew about . The real kick was my lack of connection with the audience. Violet is in her own little world and so i completely forgot the audience was there. Anyways, stuff to do. Vale!

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