Friday, April 28, 2006

Abnormally Good Mood Today

I've been dancing all over the library today. I ran into Rachel Landau and she was telling me about 24 hour playz which I am sooooooooo doing! I might write this time... we'll see. dining in is tonight which kinda sucks and I have to go see the apt. today. Fun stuff. Back to work!

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Lucky for all of you who read my blog, I have all ready vented about my awful day. SO now we're taking some time out from it all and doing something good for my soul!!! Mwuahahahahahaha! This has been a really, really crazy week. So tonight I'm gonna chill. Vale@!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Monday, April 24, 2006

Thursday, April 20, 2006


I passed my QFR!!! I did 31 push ups!!! THat's 11 more than last time! 47 sit-ups, 7 more than last time, and 12:57 run. I really need to work on this one. And since it's getting nicer and I can finally run outside this should be no problem! But 31 push-ups!! And I used the entire minute!! And Major Moody said I did a really good job on my form!! Wahooo!!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

This was weird!

So I had a really crazy dream last night about Shoshi. I guess I should preface this with the fact that Rachael, Brian, and I were talking to her for a while in the pit last night. Anywho, it was a Harry Potter dream of course. Harry and co. (yes i was one of them!) were trying to find out about Voldemort's new weapon (i.e. something worse than avada kedavra) and somehow we heard that he didn't develop the weapon himself. He got it from a young person who happened upon it by accident and guess who that young person was? Shoshi!! She was trying to find a way to erase badness and such from the world and she somehow managed to create a spell that would erase things. They don't die. Their souls don't move on the next world. After being hit with this spell, they never existed in the first place. They vanish and their gone. It was a really scary thing to watch Shoshi do it when we went to talk to her. We found her in France and she was all excited about her new discovery (she hadn't considered using it on humans... it was just a sort of accident) but she was really optimistic about all the "good" her new spell could do in the world. She didn't know Voldemort had somehow found out about it. It was crazy. When we were talking to her about her new spell it felt the same as talking to Hagrid and realizing that he had actually told Querrel how to get past fluffy by accident. It was not a pleasant feeling. Implications of this spell? Voldemort could erase someone and not damage his already feeble soul. There are no ramifications for a persons soul because you're not killing something. And you don't have to focus all your hatred to make the spell work. Happy Shoshi could perform the spell without any problem. So Harry could perform the spell...

On a lighter note I'm still listening to the Last Five Years. I've been talking to a lot of people about it and I think I've got a sort of game plan. Oh and I came up with something to do this summer that will make it oh soooo much more bareable. Hope I get it! I'm not going to tell you yet because I might jinx it. Yeah, so I was walking home and it was such a beautiful day. I remember thinking things just can't get better than this: good weather, good music, good ice cream from the c-shop (the shake machine was broken so they just gave out scoops of ice cream lol)... And then I remembered that I was going to see Josh tomorrow and smiled knowing that things can and hopefully will get better in a little more than 24 hours lol. I do really look forward to seeing him. Vale!

Monday, April 17, 2006


I turned in my financial aid crap today!!! Wahoo!!! And I have a crap load of stuff to read about Rousseau!!! Wahoo!!! Vale!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Late night musings

~what else are you thinking about
-the last five years
-and how i don't know what to do now
~what to do right this second?
-every major thing i was thinking of doing with that show they did!
~so reproduce it
-i was planning on proposing the show next year
~but make it better
~do it
-i don't want to reproduce what other people have done
~you wouldn't be
~i know
~different people, different talents
~you'd take it a different direction too
-how do you know?
~i just know
-i was also thinking about how i haven't seen a rainbow in years
-i don't know why


Blah de dah!

I keep listening to the last five years. I'm such a dork. I'm really in love with this show.

Now I can die happy!

I saw The Last Five Years today and it was amazing! It was showing at the Royal George Theatre on their third floor which was this tiny little theatre the size of BJ's one on the basement!! The singers had problems with overwhelming the small space. But I saw it and the director made so many choices I would have made. Having the other person get off stage after each song, costume changes, using all the space, it was just really awesome. I really loved Jamie!! He was dorky, and cute, and so very loveable, especially at the begining! He wasn't the best singer but when he was talking to his manager, or cathy, or whoever they were really present for him. Cathy on the other had I wanted to strangle. The girl was an amazing singer and very pretty, but she wasn't singing to anyone. Not to herself, jamie, etc. when there was no one on stage with her. In fact, she sang to the ceiling for the first half the show!! Blah! And she went a little overboard with the verbrato. But there were moments when I really liked her. And when she and Jamie sang together I wanted to die. They were so cute and sweet. It was really beautiful and that's what I wanted. I think the contrast between the happy and the arguing unhappy parts could have been bigger. Oh and when Jamie did the Schmeul song at the end he had a copy of backstage for her and pulled out a small pocket watch from a box when he tells her he is giving her unlimited time and I wanted to squeel! It was the sweetest, cutest thing ever. Such a personal creative sort of christmas present and I loved it. :) All I can do is sigh with contentment now.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


I bought my ticket to Paris today!!!

First Real Rehearsal

Dude, I finished my first real rehearsal and it was fun. I have a whole monologue about horses now and I get to play a lot. Should be fun. The hardest part will be to get inside my own little world and stay there. I think at this point the only thing I find hard is the lack of energy among some of the actors. We went through this thing a million times it felt like and nothing really changed that much. So I guess that's the challenge for the director. Encouraging the actor to explore and play. Yeah, but I'm really excited about my part. We're trying to find an autistic person to talk to. Oh, and two members of the cast have autistic cousins. Kinda weird... I've never known of anyone with autism. Anywho, I'm about done with my css profile and fafsa. I've just got one more thing to get from my dad and I'm done!!! Wahoo!!! And the peasants cheer!!! :) I spent yesterday afternoon singing. It was so great. I think i'm finally getting over this whole sick thing. Vale!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Paper break

Yesterday was a long day. Class, reading, rotc, then mass, and more hw. I think mass was the hardest part of all of it. I sat there for the frist time and felt like I didn't belong. That I was loosing this community that i've been a part of for most of my life. I stood there and i couldn't say the words. I couldn't sing the songs. I came home and talked to Rachael about it for a while and we did some reading about things online. And by the end of it all Rachael and I knew that I had made a decision. Not because of rational facts, not out of pure curiosity, but because of what I feel in my heart. Based on my own relationship with G-d this was the only decision I could make. And now i don't know what to do next. I guess just start reading and talking about what my options are. At least G-d has stood by me through all of this. There's never been a doubt that I was loved and that in the end everything would be ok. Just another thing to be greatful for. It's funny though. I'm listening to the last five years. Has nothing to do with anything. It just fits me. Well back to my french paper. Vale!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Thursday Morning!

This morning the sun came up! I don't know why but every now and then i get excited about stuff like that. The weather is beautiful. I can't help but feel lucky for how I have been blessed so far in my life. I know I'm not the best about appreciating all the things I've been given. So right now I'm taking a moment to say thank you!!! Thank you all my friends for not getting annoyed and being there through all of my DRAMA! Thank you friends who live far away who haven't forgotten me! Thank you Josh for being so good at making me smile! Thank you God for being with me in my time of questions and doubt. I just want to say thanks to everyone in my life. I really am so very greatful. :)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Back, and better than ever!

So due to popular demand, and Jackie's incessant notes, I have decided to end the silence and begin posting here again! Sorry for the absence. I've been sick and oh so very busy. My history classes are keeping me more than just a little bit occupied. But I'm back at work, finally, which means I've got lots of time for blog posting lol. Seriously, the only time I write here is when I'm at work. Hopefully, I won't get another job that keeps me away from blogging lol. Yup, but things are great for the moment. I got cast in a show despite not auditioning... It's a staged reading of a student written piece and rather existential. Can you believe that I got type cast as an autistic child?? It's crazy! And now I have to do all this research on autisim because I don't much about it. Hmmmm... what else to write? Rousseau is fun?! I still don't talk in my history class. Mostly because I don't really have anything to say... I usually take in the information and then take my time processing it on my own. We'll see. It's strange though because I talk in my monasticism class, but that's mostly because no one else does! Oh and I'm learning french punctuation right now and it's so confusing. I'm never going to be able to use a semi-colon, etc. in english right now because I'll have the stupid french rules in my head!! Blah!!!! Anywho, maybe I'll go work or something? Vale!