Friday, May 27, 2005

12" Alder & Pheonix
You scored 75% Elementality, 86% Magic Knowledge, and 78% Goodness!
Your wand is 12" and rather flexible, The alder is associated with weather magic, mental prowess, and resurrection. This wand will be especially useful in spells concerning those issues. The phoenix is symbolic of rebirth, loyalty, and courage in times of adversity. The phoenix feather in your wand will bring those elements to the party. This is a very powerful and potentially dangerous combination but, based upon your magical knowledge score, I am not worried about your ability to use it. Or maybe I should be...

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 68% on Elementality
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You scored higher than 35% on Magic Knowledge
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You scored higher than 58% on Goodness
Link: The Right Wand for YOU Test written by BarefootBegonia on OkCupid Free Online Dating

Monday, May 23, 2005

I'm not totally obsessed!!!

Of the Fandom!
Congratulations! You scored 10!
You're part of the Harry Potter fandom, and probably love looking into what people discover about the Potter-verse. You read the books and movies, obviously, and probably a few supplementaries. Congrats!

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 63% on pps
Link: The Harry Potter Obsession Test written by theblacklily on Ok Cupid

One down! Two to go!

Ok so I have one french oral done with and two more left!!! Wahoo!!! Then it's over! Yeah german is pretty much over too cuz he cancelled class on for wed. and friday we review for out test on wed. Next week is gonna suck. I need to write my extra credit paper for bio. Maybe I'll get ambitious and do it today!! lol. We'll see. It was a nice weekend. Well i need to read some voltaire before i go into this next oral. Vale!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Je suis fatigué

It's been a long fun day. I woke up and went to work, which was boring as usual, but I made a pretty good dent into my French HP book. Then I went over and did the pre-show for whistle, which was fun. I got to build my brick wall one last time and scream a lot. Then me and Brian tried to marry my computers so that I could transfer my music onto this one. Well let’s just say that that was a huge fiasco but we're getting there. I think I have an idea I just need Brian to set it up again. So Melinda, Kim, Brian, and I all went out to dinner here in Hyde Park. I forget the name of the restaurant but it was really good. I think I might stop by and see about a job for the summer. Then me and Kim ditched B. and M. to go see Star Wars.

It was really sad but weird because you knew what was going to happen. It reminded me of my Greek thought and lit. class. We would be discussing some Greek play and even if we hadn't been assigned to read the whole thing yet the prof. always would spoil the ending during our discussion. To experience the play as an ancient was to know the mythology and the stories already. So to pick up some of the subtle ways the author would play with things our prof. would tell us what was going to happen so we could experience the play like a real Greek or roman. Well it kind of worked but seeing this movie was like really experiencing what that must have felt like. Everyone knows Anakin is going to become darth vedor (sp?) and amidala (sp?) is going to die. The interesting part is seeing how they get there. It was just kinda fun to really see what it must have felt like.

The only thing that really bothered me was Anakin. At the end of the movie when he's been burned and his entire world is falling apart I didn't even feel sorry for him. I mean throughout the movie he's so distant, which didn't bother me. But when he was with amidala I didn't feel his love for her. He just didn't seem to be very human to me. So when his entire world collapses I didn't feel sorry for him because I wasn't very emotionally invested in his character. I felt sorry for amidala and the republic and obi one (sp?? darn star wars names!!!!) but not for Anakin. He just seemed like a monster. I understood why he questioned the Jedi for wanting to kill the chancellor. He wanted to preserve that ideal of what is right. But he himself had violated that same code at the beginning of the movie by killing what's his name. So I felt for him in his struggle to make a choice and find what is right but the whole love and loss thing just didn't strike a chord. Well I should get to sleep. Melinda and I are going to go look at Bikes tomorrow and I have to study for 3 French orals on Monday!!!! Vale!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I don't want to do this design project!!!

Ok so we're doing little red riding in the hood. And so like i have to do this whole set design and I'm just sort of blah. I don't feel like doing any work.... I just want to go to sleep and take a nap... whatever. I don't think i failed my german test which is always good. Well off to work...

Monday, May 09, 2005

Of course i am an egyptian goddess! lol.

Indeed, you are 75% erudite, 70% sensual, 37% martial, and 29% saturnine.
This Egyptian
supreme Goddess is certainly the most influential deity on subsequent
cultures. She was the ideal figure of womanhood, usually compared with
the Greek Goddess Demeter or her Roman version, Ceres.

Isis was one element of a Holy Trinity, the remaining two figures being her brother and husband Osiris and their heroic son Horus. She was the Goddess of Magic for her brilliance, as well as the Goddess of Love because of her tenacious devotion.

She is often shown with wings, curving to caress coffins and sarcophagi
of many a king. In certain papyri she is shown with her falcon wing
headdress, covering her ears. One of her sacred symbols is the sistrum,
a musical instrument that was believed to ward off evil spirits. Isis'
sistrum was carved bearing the image of a cat and was representative of
the Moon.

Isis was the High Priestess and an omnipotent magician as well as the only being ever to discover the secret name of Ra.
She invariably carries the ankh, the symbol for eternal life. Her name
is, by the rules of numerology, adding up to the number “2” and she
just so happens to be depicted on the tarot card “Key 2 – The High

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 58% on erudite
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You scored higher than 39% on sensual
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You scored higher than 10% on martial
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You scored higher than 9% on saturnine
Link: The Mythological Goddess Test written by Nitsuki on Ok Cupid

~ 70% Water ~ 51% Wind ~ 74% Earth ~ 74% Fire ~
And the storm rushes in

But it makes me feel like I'm alive again...

Hey, nice. It seems your personality is mostly balanced. You are likely intuitive, ambitious, and deliberate.

However, if you ever feel scattered or rushed, try wearing a Clear Quartz. It inspires clarity of thought and memory and thus helps balance out your somewhat shy Throat Chakra, which is associated with the element of wind and represents our desire to learn and communicate.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 47% on water
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You scored higher than 26% on wind
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You scored higher than 69% on earth
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You scored higher than 92% on fire
Link: The Elemental Balance Test written by Nitsuki on Ok Cupid