Friday, November 05, 2004


Well it was a long day. School, blah! I went and saw Dan's play tonight. He was soooo great. The show before his was very interesting. I really liked it but there were some parts where the girl was shaking and it looked like she had terrets (sp?) or something. I still liked it though. There was this one part where the leading guy was talking and this blue light reflected in his eye. It was priceless. A few too many cuss words for my taste but good all the same. Daniel's show was just fun. It was a play of people doing a sherlock holmes radio show. It was a nice break after the serious play lol. Then we were coming back and decided to see what was up on the 6th floor of chamberlin house cuz none of us have a 6th floor lol. And we then proceded to visit everyone who was around in chamberlin. I got to say hi to my friend Ben. One of the many lol. Speaking of a Ben I'm going to the Military Ball tomorrow with him but I'm kinda sort of wishing I had asked someone else. Ben informed me he will not dance and I think it's absolutely absurd. I think i'm starting to believe he might just be as boring as he claims to be. I don't know i just wish he'd talk to me.... There's someone playing the piano right now and the three of us are waiting for her to be finished. They're watching this scary movie thing that I can't handle in the lounge next door and i'm in the computer room like a weenie. I just don't like people laughing at how freaked out I get by scary movies. Whatever. Well Vale for now!

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