Saturday, April 15, 2006

First Real Rehearsal

Dude, I finished my first real rehearsal and it was fun. I have a whole monologue about horses now and I get to play a lot. Should be fun. The hardest part will be to get inside my own little world and stay there. I think at this point the only thing I find hard is the lack of energy among some of the actors. We went through this thing a million times it felt like and nothing really changed that much. So I guess that's the challenge for the director. Encouraging the actor to explore and play. Yeah, but I'm really excited about my part. We're trying to find an autistic person to talk to. Oh, and two members of the cast have autistic cousins. Kinda weird... I've never known of anyone with autism. Anywho, I'm about done with my css profile and fafsa. I've just got one more thing to get from my dad and I'm done!!! Wahoo!!! And the peasants cheer!!! :) I spent yesterday afternoon singing. It was so great. I think i'm finally getting over this whole sick thing. Vale!

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