Tuesday, August 01, 2006


It's soooooooooooo darn hot outside!! And it's soooooooooooo darn hot in the stacks where I've been shifting all afternoon with rachael. I think this heat is making me very irritable. I got some books on world religions today. Oh, I also got gone with the wind since I've never managed to get around to see the movie. The book's probably better anyway. Anywho, I'm tired. Ran hard today during my lunch break. I hate coming back from the gym because people always look at me with concern because they all think I'm dying. I just turn abnormally red people!! What the hell?! Stop looking at me like that! Blah! SOrry, I'm irritable. That's my excuse! Damn heat! I didn't sleep very well last night because of it. Whatever, almost time to go home! Vale!

1 comment:

Brian said...

Sounds like both you and Rachael have been having trouble sleeping - I hope that clears up!

(and an unsolicited tip for helping get to sleep - ice cold shower for as long as you can stand it, until your skin turns numb. Then only half-dry yourself so that the cold dampness is still on your skin. Then hop into bed and hope for the best - it works surprisingly well).