Monday, September 27, 2004

First Day part II

So i started my homework and it's terrebly boring but at least i have something to do. Guess what? i got a job at the oriental institute museum. I'm only working like 8 hours a week but hey it's a job and i'm getting paid 7.50 an hour which is a heck of a lot more than i was making at DQ lol! I just e-mailed the lady back that i was cool with my hours. So i finally think i've figured out my e-mail nad found a whole ton of messages that I didn't know i had. But it's all cool. i found out there are auditions for this cabaret with selections from all diferent musicals but with all of the mucus that's still in me i can't sing higher than like mid alto!! So i don't know if i want to embarass myself by auditioning sick. I just need to find the right song. I just wish i could get better!!!! I miss singing sooooo much. Well i guess i should get back to the illiad. Vale!

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