Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Still not sleeping...

It’s midnight and like usual I can’t sleep. I can never get to sleep. Not during the school year because I’m too busy and during the summer I go crazy or something and still can’t sleep. And it’s not because I’m not being tired! Today, I got home from my voice lesson and was so out of it that I fell asleep while checking my e-mail and managed to miss the season premier of Gilmore Girls!! And I can’t find a place to download it online anywhere!! Blah on the world! My voice lesson went well though. I really like my voice teacher she’s really cool. And I’m getting so much better. Today I wasn’t on shifting and it was really weird. I had carts all day so I spent most of my time listening to music on my shuffle. I don’t like doing carts you have too much time to think. I’ve been in a real mood lately. Kinda sad and missing home. I want to walk barefoot in my neighborhood in the pouring rain again. I want to get lost under some trees where no one can find me. I miss how I could find my own special places back home where I could breath for a minute. There weren’t ten thousand people around everywhere you turn. I’m just tired and I need to take a moment and get back into myself. Spend a day outside and re-group. I’ve just been running all summer with work and the play and voice lessons etc….. I need to reconnect myself I think. Vale!

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