Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I don't get why everyone is so anti-valentine's day. It's like one of the silliest, funnest holidays every. This just goes to show that people take themselves too seriously! I mean it's so cliché to hate Valentine's day! Anywho, I picked Jon to be my Valentine so I would have someone to lavish my affection on, and I've been having waaay to much fun with it. And it's so nice to be done with mid-term papers. Since Saturday I have done the following:

Saturday: 8pg paper on ethics and evolution
Sunday: 7pg paper for Civ. on Roman attitudes on slavery.
Monday: 2pg paper about Male vs. Female long-term/short-term mating strategies
Tuesday: 5pg paper refuting the relevance of the entire topic for my Alexander the Great class
Wednesday: 7.3pgs of introductory material for my BA

Total: 29.3pgs in 5 days, including all the research for each paper. A Personal Record!

Anywho, yup. I'm glad to be done writing!?!!!

Thank God it's Valentine's Day!

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