Thursday, June 15, 2006


Yesterday I went and auditioned for my first actual paying job. It was exciting and I didn't die! Then I got a little lost going home cuz I was being stupid. Came home, ate some of rachael's lentil soup and cleaned up my room... Then Josh came over which made me sooooooooooo happy. I got to show off my very own bathroom!! He had some of Rachael's lentil soup too and proceeded to break out into hives from it! I felt so bad but had no idea what to do... So I gave him some bededryl and he was fine by morning. I can't believe he was able to wake up though! The only time I took bededryl (and half the dose josh took) I was out like a light and slept through my alarm and my first two classes of the day! Ahhhh! Yup, so today I started my training as a cage team member at the library! That means I get to scan books!!! Wahoo! Movin' on up! Ok, back to work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this 'josh' fellow must have lots of experience with 'medication'