Tuesday, April 05, 2005


It's soooooooo nice out today. So I wore my favorite skirt and twirled the whole way to drama class listening to dreamy twirly songs the whole way there. It was fabulous. Saw Rachael at lunch which was fun. Now I'm killing time before work at 4pm. I'm kinda excited cuz Jeremy agreed to help me work on this monologue I want to put together for UT day or something. It's going to be great fun. Lets see oh and I'm going to this acting workshop on Friday which should be fun. I have to pick 3-5 to memorize and I'm not sure what I want to pick. We'll see. Oh and I've got this darn song from company stuck in my head. It's called "getting married today" and the girl talks like 90mph. It's fabulous! I think I might memorize it just for the heck of it lol. Got nothing better to do this quarter. Well I'm gonna take a nap. Vale.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I take it u r liking ur semester and drama class. So who's Jeremy?? Well ttyl