Thursday, February 16, 2006

Blah I've been tagged! I'm not doing this on my silly LJ cuz blogs are soooooo much better!

Ground Rules: The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged.

1. When i'm sitting anywhere with socks on I rub my feet together. It has nothing to do with being cold or anything and it used to drive my sister crazy!!

2. I have to set at least two alarms and it can't be an even number sorta. Well it can be even but it can't end in a 0 or 5 and it can't have any kind of balance! For example 5:27 works, 7:02 works, 4:13 works, but 3:23 doesn't, 4:04 doesn't, you get the idea. Oh and I've been shying away from 01 times too lately. So 4:01 hasn't worked lately. Why? I have no clue!

3. I clean my ears often. I can't stand for there to be water in my ears if it didn't come from the ocean or something natural. So after I take a shower I have to get the water out of my ears cuz it bothers me!

4. I take flinstones vitamins because I wasn't taking my vitamins before because I don't wake up early enough to remember to go get water to take a vitamin. This is funny because I used to make fun of Jackie for taking Flinstones but they have almost all the same stuff as my other multi-vitamin.

5. I can't sleep unless it's absolutely dark. And I have to remind myself of this, because I'll sit there staring at the little bit of light that comes in from the window for over an hour before I'll realize that I'm not sleeping.

6. Because Bridgette almost had the same number five! I like to touch trees. I'll be walking along and go out of my way to touch a tree just because. Or I'll spin around trees. Why? They're trees... This makes me want to climb a tree. I've been wanting to do this for a few weeks lol.

Blah, that was hard!! So I'm tagging Brian Hinkle, PJ, Seth, Jason Goodson (I'm not sure if you read this but I can't think of anyone else who has an online journaly thing), and whoever else reads this thing that I don't know about lol (Damn you I don't write notes on blogs people! and I know you're out there!! Rachael and Jackie!! You can do yours in a note on my Blog or on the facebook!)


Brian said...

I posted. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

wewt!::squeak:: I got mentioned.::squeak:: I'll do it before I go to bed tonight.::squeak::