This is random! (I think i fixed it!)
Celtic Mandolinhead
You scored 37 classicness, 17 rageful, 43 hyperness, and 17 sadness!
You're intelligent and have alot of energy. You're proud of your heritage. Probably more than half the people who will get this, drink ALOT- but mostly for fun or boredom. You enjoy tradition as long as it's energetic. You like nature similar to that of the land of your heritage. You have a few hobbies that are intellectually obscure to your other pals.My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 62% on classicness
You scored higher than 25% on rageful
You scored higher than 87% on hyperness
You scored higher than 0% on sadness
Link: The What's Your Rock Personality Test written by willuknowmyname on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test
1 comment:
I think this is mostly accurrate, but the dominate one doesn't suit me at all.::squeak:: (I'm not that talkative, more laconic than the description states, and I hate loud noises...probably because of my sensitive hearing)
You scored 17 classicness, 41 rageful, 43 hyperness, and 17 sadness!
you are hardcore. Sometimes you probably scare people, and it probably amuses you. You are easily made angry, like to destroy stuff, and have all kinds of energy. You could headbang for hours if you wanted to. You are a loud person who can talk and talk without losing their voice or getting bored. You make fun of emotions.
You scored higher than 5% on classicness
You scored higher than 85% on rageful
You scored higher than 78% on hyperness
You scored higher than 32% on sadness
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