Can you believe I have almost 250 blog posts?! Lots of wasting time in the library I guess... lol. Yeah, so I don't have rehearsal tonight!!! Wahoo!! I'm gonna sleep! That's the plan anyways and read some Praise of Folly. So my play opens next week! I have an appointment to meet with Cassie to really cement my blocking. I think the problem is that I get so into Violet that I just forget about everything else. That and I have the most blocking for the entire show although I might be tied with Fuscia. I've never had such blocking problems though which is annoying. Anywho, two hours of work and then nap!! Oh, and rasberry tea is awesome. Oh yeah, Rachael and my tea party study break last night was fun and a sucess. They ate everything! And we had a lot of food! I forgot to take a picture of my petits fours. Oh well... Yeah but what did I learn from the adventure that was petits fours? I learned that fondant is a pain to work with and messy as hell! lol. I gave up with it less than half way through and just put butter cream on the rest. Oh and I accedentally put almond extract in half of them instead of lemon and then i spilled the ENTIRE bottle of lemon extract which made Rachael sad so I have to buy her more. Well off to work!
P.S. Petits Fours means little ovens in case you were wondering!
Congratulations on your blog - I like the music too - nice bit of Frank
Thanks for the note! I love notes! People should leave more notes!! lol.
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