Thursday, August 24, 2006

Post #350

I woke up and it was still dark. Not only was it dark, it was raining!! So I e-mailed work and told them i wasn't coming in (how could I turn down some rain??). I got dressed, said bye to Rachael and headed out. I don't know why people in Chicago are so afraid of a little rain. I rolled up my pants not long after I left and walked down to the Shoreland where I crossed under the high way to get to the lake. By this time it was really pouring and there was NO ONE around. I think I saw one runner and one biker while I was by the lake. I then walked north to go over the bridge to get home. My fingers got all wrinkly and the lake was oddly calm. All the lightning stayed over the lake. It was beatiful. Good for the soul beautiful. I think I must have been a plant or something because rain feels so nourishing and wonderful. I bought milk and made hot chocolate when I got home. My soaking wet clothes are hanging in the bathroom. :) Now for Harry Potter.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I was really tempted to do the same thing, but I figured it would be bad to miss two days in a row.

W00t for rain!