Je suis desolé!!
I would like to apologize for how remiss I've been about updating my Blog!! But I don't want to do my reading so here I am!! I've decided to resume the current state of my mind bit because well, you'll see! lol. Yeah, so study abroad meeting today!!! Je vais à Paris en automne!!! And I start swing dancing class tomorrow with Josh! It's gonna be a blast! Although, he's gonna miss one because he's abandoning me to go to LA for a week! That PUNK! lol. Yeah, so my mom graduated this past weekend. I shoulda brought my camera but it wouldn't have mattered cuz I probably would have put it in my suit case that they lost for about a day!! It was a fun trip. I got to see the sponge capital of the world- Tarpon Springs! And we went on a boat. So very nice. I really miss FL. Too bad I'm not gonna be able to go back there any time soon. Anywho, I should go do hw or something semi productive. Season finale of gilmore girls tonight! Vale!
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