Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Happy dance!!

Oh yeah! Guess who's got a BA paper advisor?!!! His name is Paul Cheney!! And he didn't cry when he wrote my proposal!! In face he didn't have any real criticism except some grammar faults and the fact that it's a little general but that's ok cuz he knows I haven't really done any research. So life is good. My french grammar final didn't kill me. In face there were only two questions I was unsure about. Yup. SO now for my early monastacism final. Hopefully, I won't spend my next final hacking my head off like I did in the last one! Wish me luck!

Monday, May 29, 2006

I'm not green! :(

What Color Are You?

Yellows are motivated by fun. They are inviting and embrace life as a party which they're hosting. They love playful interaction and can be extremely sociable and persuasive. They seek instant gratification. YELLOWS need to be adored and praised. While YELLOWS are carefree, they are quite sensitive and highly alert to others motives to control them. YELLOWS carry within themselves the gift of a good heart. YELLOWS need to look good socially, and friendships command a high priority in their lives. YELLOWS are happy, highly verbal, easily bored, and crave adventure. They can never sit still for long. They choose friends who, like themselves, refuse to allow lifes boring details stifle their curiosity. They embrace each day in the present tense. YELLOWS are charismatic, spontaneous, positive, and can be irresponsible, obnoxious, and forgetful. When you deal with a YELLOW praise and adore them, take a positive, upbeat approach, and promote creative and fun activities for and with them.
Take this quiz!

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19% of people had this result.


I think I might be an Arian Catholic. Look up arianism on wikipedia. Right now I'm working on reading through all of their main web site but I have to study. Number one thing to do when school gets out! Vale!

Sunday, May 28, 2006


She just took my pen and rubbed it all over her toes!!! as;ldkfjas;lkfj;asldkfja;l!!!!! And she talks too much!!! Blah!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Stolen from Bridgette!

You Are Mint Green

Balanced and calm, you have mastered the philosophy of living well.
Your friends seek you out for support, and you are able to bring stability to chaotic situations.
You're very open and cheerful - and you feel like you have a lot of freedom in life.
Your future may hold any number of exciting things, and you're ready for all of them!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Beyond Hell Week!

23 Wed. Read for monk
24 Thurs. Read for monk!
25 Fri. Advisor Apt., No Exit, Read for monk!
26 Sat. Indiana Dunes. Read for monk!

27 Sun. Begin paper
28 Mon. NO CLASS! Almost finish paper
29 Tues. Study for Monk final
30 Wed. Monk final!! Finish monk paper
31 Thurs. RP Finish monk paper, begin Int. Paper, study for french final
1 Fri. RP French Final, Int. Paper
2 Sat. Int. Paper

3 Sun. Write
4 Mon. Monk Paper Due
5 Tues. Write
6 Wed. Int. Hist. Paper Due
7 Thurs. Work
8 Fri. Pack
9 Sat. Move out!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I’m sitting in my room not doing hw like usual. Nothing that special. I found a really interesting monologue in Marlowe’s Dido, Queen of Carthage (how couldn’t I like this play after translating book four of the Aeneid twice!) I’ve got so much to do and so many big plans but the rush is starting to fade. I mean every time I pick up a script or read something about a drama school I get dizzy with all the thoughts spinning in my head. And I’m really happy. So many things are going right… So why do I feel awful? Just looking at all of the ROTC stuff all over my room. I mean I made a commitment and I’m not the kind of person who goes back on their word. But if I don’t do this I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. Some people seem to think I’m making a very sudden, rather rash decision but this feels right, like moving out of my mom’s house. It was the right thing to do but I felt awful at the time because I was abandoning her. And that’s what this feels like—I’m abandoning a promise I made. I went with my gut then and that’s what I’m going to do now. And I’m going to work so hard to prove I didn’t break a promise for nothing. Time to get to work!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Game Plan

Ok, so I have a plan to graduate next summer! I have to make a meeting with some more people in the history dept. to really fix a plan for writing my BA paper. Then, I have a meeting with my early monastacism teacher tomorrow to fine tune a real topic for my paper. Same goes for Int. Hist. class. Gonna have a meeting with her thurs. hopefully. Yeah! I'm researching drama schools and I have e-mailed Major Moody to make a meeting about the Air Force. Yup! And this summer we learn monologues! 20 to be precise! Hope there's a summer show. There's been no talk of one but a girl can dream?! Anywho, reading to do! And swing tonight! Vale!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Post 300

I don't know what to do now... This stupid job gives me way too much time to think!! Today I was thinking about the play I saw last night. I absolutely loved it! But why is it I can't go see a show, professional or otherwise, without wishing it was me up there on that stage. I'm usually convinced that I could do better even if the actress is outstanding and there's this longing to be the one up there that's getting harder and harder to ignore. I mean in high school I remember thinking about theatre and how much I would miss it when it was gone. But I was always doing theatre so it was easy to put it in the back of my mind. ANd as much as I loved theatre, and egyptology was a greater love for me. But now? I don't know... I mean I really love theatre. I like connecting with an audience. I like being able to share things with them. But I'm not any good and there's no possible way that I could pursue this. I mean I'd have to quit the air force, pay them back... transfer schools or try and graduate from here early... I don't know what to do. I need to keep thinking.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Back to work!

Yup, that's the theme of this week! Do work! Write papers! Get paper topics!! Wahoo!!! Yeah!

Friday, May 12, 2006


Barry has red jumpsuit and blue sleeves.

Busy, busy, busy!!

Yeah, so I have to meet with my advisor tomorrow and go to a silly awards ceremony at eight in the morning!! I stayed up all night working on scav hunt. I'm working on two items this year:

Item 25: Go to the lobby and get yourselves a snack. Dress appropriately for your big song and dance number, which you will perform. (19 points. No points for Max Palevsky Cinema, because they don't have a lobby, tools)

Item 159: "Where's Waldo?" is pretty easy when you think about it. I mean c'mon the guy is in EVERY picture. We're going to play a game called "Where's Barry?" Barry is an African-American male with short curly black hair. He's wearing a blue jumpsuit with red sleeves, and has an expression of bemusement. He's somewhere in the "Where's Waldo?" series of books. Find him (3 points)

For 25 our inspiration was the following: I'm gonna be the soda! Gonna bring bubbles!!

Anyways, french paper outline time! Vale!

Scav hunt costume building!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Bonjour Monsieur Linné

What did I see in Tarpon Springs?

Current State of My Mind

La Verité

+= l'ennui

Je suis desolé!!

I would like to apologize for how remiss I've been about updating my Blog!! But I don't want to do my reading so here I am!! I've decided to resume the current state of my mind bit because well, you'll see! lol. Yeah, so study abroad meeting today!!! Je vais à Paris en automne!!! And I start swing dancing class tomorrow with Josh! It's gonna be a blast! Although, he's gonna miss one because he's abandoning me to go to LA for a week! That PUNK! lol. Yeah, so my mom graduated this past weekend. I shoulda brought my camera but it wouldn't have mattered cuz I probably would have put it in my suit case that they lost for about a day!! It was a fun trip. I got to see the sponge capital of the world- Tarpon Springs! And we went on a boat. So very nice. I really miss FL. Too bad I'm not gonna be able to go back there any time soon. Anywho, I should go do hw or something semi productive. Season finale of gilmore girls tonight! Vale!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I miss Barjo!! My beautiful, 12in ibook... He's in the shop getting his screen fixed and I'm having separation anxiety. I can't find a single computer that I like to type on! Excuse me, it's just too painful to talk about. Perhaps, I'll write here again when he returns. Until then, I must say good bye.