I passed my QFR!!! I did 31 push ups!!! THat's 11 more than last time! 47 sit-ups, 7 more than last time, and 12:57 run. I really need to work on this one. And since it's getting nicer and I can finally run outside this should be no problem! But 31 push-ups!! And I used the entire minute!! And Major Moody said I did a really good job on my form!! Wahooo!!!
*happy dance*
It's saturday!! Starting to slack off again. so what did u do over the weekend. u didn't go to Crash-A-Rama like me, I bet. lol. we watched cars crash into each other, and school busses race, and a green car w/ a fighter plane engine melt another car (w/ no one in it of course), and cars race backwards and all sorts of stuff!! It was very unique i think is the word ( at least among the things that I usually do) lol. So... anyway... what did u do? Hope u're doing well and having a blast!! -<3- Jackie
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