Oh yeah!
I love that I have my music back!!!!! Thank God for music!!! Now! Do it! Music will be returning to my blog in the near future (hopefully). lalalalalalalala! i wish i could sing. Stupid nose!!! Vale!
Now Playing:Ella (man she got some sass ;)
I love that I have my music back!!!!! Thank God for music!!! Now! Do it! Music will be returning to my blog in the near future (hopefully). lalalalalalalala! i wish i could sing. Stupid nose!!! Vale!
Posted by
3:03 PM
Ok, so my Mac is now fixed!!! been working for more than 48 hours!! Moral of the story: Don't drop your computer!!!
OMG! Juilliard audition is on MONDAY!! Yes this monday and I need to write 12 pgs of my BA and an 8pg paper for Evol. Mind Morality!!! Bah on the world. I should just lock myself in a room and do it, but everytime I try and work I end up working on my monolgues. Kurt thinks I'm ready. I'm excited, but freaking out that this is it. Oh, and if they ask me to sing I have no freakin' clue what I'm gonna do. I'm so stuffed up that nothing is working right. That and I'm really not a singer. I'm just going to make it short and the least painless it can be. laksjdf;alksdjfa;. Oh and I spent most of today trying to get oppen office to work on my computer since my word software won't work. Bahahahahahahahaha. Yeah. I'm freaking out. How many times can I sayt that in a day?! I just need to relax, breathe, and kick some ass. I wish monday were here and then i wouldn't have to freak out anymore. That and my papers would be done ;) Yeah, my last evol. mind morality paper went well. Too bad I'm not going to be in class to see if he picks it to read. I was arguing for Camus that the main phylisophical question is whether to commit suicide or not. Normally I wouldn't argue something like that but this SocioBiologist dude Williams was so freakin' annoying I just felt like giving him grief. yeah. So I should go do work and not think about stuff. But stuff is all i can think about alskdjfa;lsdkfja;lsdkfj. I'm ready, I'm awesome, I'm good enough! I'm more than good enough! Their program will be lacking without me!! That's the mentatility. I'm gonna kick some ass. Just make it personal, and beautiful, and breathe!!! Just breathe!! And make big choiceS!!! DIscoveries!!!
Posted by
2:50 PM
Monday, February 5th
9:30am Juilliard Audition (Palmer House)
Tuesday, February 6th
8:30am URTA orientation (Palmer House)
9:22am URTA audition (Palmer House)
10:40am ACT audition (Hyatt)
4pm NYU audition (Hyatt)
Thursday, February 8th
11:00am Yale School of Drama audition
Saturday, February 17th
8:00am DePaul Audition
Posted by
4:48 PM
I've got my audition schedule (one still needs to be changed though)
Monday, February 5th
9:30am Juilliard Audition (Palmer House)
Tuesday, February 6th
8:30am URTA orientation (Palmer House)
9:22am URTA audition (Palmer House)
10:40am ACT audition (Hyatt)
11:00am NYU audition (Hyatt) (I hope I can get this one moved)
Thursday, February 8th
11:00am Yale School of Drama audition
Saturday, February 17th
8:00am DePaul Audition
Posted by
12:55 PM
Sorry for no real posts in what feels like forever. Classes start tomorrow. I of course have a plan. I always have plans. Many of the ones for this quarter are inspired by songs. I spent so much of break just listening to music. You know, all your favorite songs kinda music? The stuff that always speaks to you without fail? Anywho, I should go to bed.
"I'm up every morning at six
And standing in line
With two hundred girls
Who are younger and thinner than me
Who have already been to the gym
I'm waiting five hours in line
And watching the girls
Just coming and going
In dresses that look just like this
Till my number is finally called."
-The Last Five Years, "Climbing Uphill"
Posted by
12:09 AM