It is begun
Signed Air Force papers today. Now they have to be sent off and some people decide how they want me to pay them back.
Now Playing:Ella (man she got some sass ;)
Signed Air Force papers today. Now they have to be sent off and some people decide how they want me to pay them back.
Posted by
9:51 AM
Yup, I keep eating these mango altoids. Rachael and i went and got chinese food for dinner and it was SOOOOO much food!!! There was like an entire chicken in the thing and only a little thing of rice! So I'm gonna be eatin' chinese food for a while. I got General Tao's Chicken BTW! Rachael and I did our special third floor project today. We found all the crowded areas and stuff for grace. Now rachael is being really silly; she just swollowed a mango altoid par accident! So the paintings below were done by Jackson Junge; I saw his art on display at an art festival downtown this past weekend. Check out his stuff @:
Posted by
8:20 PM
We went and saw fireworks @ navy pier which was cool but they were pretty small. Yup, so after we decided to go to ghiradellis to get ice cream; so we were going really fast to get there before they closed!!! But we lost Rachael!! And I was screaming "Rachael Medina!! Five Minutes!!" (I'd recenly been yelling 5 minutes like the boat guy who was saying five minutes till the next boat.) (Oh and the dork didn't have her cell phone!! And people kept looking at me crazy like I was being loud!!! Well we were outside!! And we had to find her!!!) Anywho, we find her and we get to the ice cream shop literally just as they close!!! So we went to walgreens and got ice cream instead (waaaaay cheeper!) and walked down a block just across the street from the disney store and layed out our blanket and ate the ice cream! All of a sudden i started singing "you may be right! I may be crazy! But i just may be the lunatic you're looking for!!" And of course I had to call josh and sing it to his phone. Unfortunetly, I wasn't really sure about the melody of the song exactly. Granted this song was nothing to the Ode i wrote early to the forlorn buses but it was still fun! Then we came home. Lots of fun was had by all and the peasants cheered!! Josh comes home soon!! J'espere!! Haven't heard a word from him since he left for Alaska...
Posted by
12:21 AM