Thursday, June 30, 2005

It is finished!!

Well we finished shifting all of these huge folio books that probably have not been moved since they were put there. They were so dirty and falling apart. I was so glad to wash my hands afterward!!! Anyways it's done. Goodbye B-Level!!!! Hootey Hoo!!! lol. My dad would laugh if he saw me write that! Speaking of my dad I talked to him yesterday. My sister called me to remind me it was Dad's birthday because she knew I had totally forgotten. He's doing good. I talked to Gina too which was nice because I haven't talked to her for ages. She's had to take a medical leave of absence from work because she's got so many tests to take for stuff that probably is the result of her diabetes and working on her feet all her life. I'm worried about her but she seemed cheerful enough on the phone. So anyways, I'm in the thick of HP 3. It's my absolute favorite but I need to hurry if I'm going to finish the other two in 15 days! Wahoo!!! I can't wait! So now I'm just hanging out on my break. It's so weird being in this library so much. I hardly came here during the year except to check out books. I don't know, it's so quiet it makes me sleepy. Yup, so hopefully everyone got their letters today. Then maybe someone will write me back so I can send them even more letters!! lol. I had way to much fun writing everyone. Well I should get back to work! Vale!

Glad to be going home soon!!


B-Lever Blues!

Well today they have us shifting on the B level where we have this weird compact shelving crap and it's really annoying. But they've got us working in pairs so it's not so bad. At least I'm not stuck all alone somewhere shelving which is way worse. It's just mind numbing not being around other people for some reason. I don't know. I miss being able to talk to people!! Last night Melinda, Kim, and I made cinnimon apple pancakes. It was fun and very messy but we're become pancakes queens! We've already mastered blue berries and choclate chips. Next we're going to do banana! Then we went on a bike ride and lost Melinda. We didn't get home till like 10pm. Kinda scary time to be two girls out alone in Chicago but we were ok once we got off the lake shore trail and there were some lights. Well back to work! Vale!



Monday, June 27, 2005

Busy Weekend

Yeah so I ended up going down town sat. and sun. lol. Well Sat. I got all this cool stuff for writing letters like a claigraphy pen you have to dip in ink and stuff and some cool colored ink. Well I managed to spill one and a half bottles of it so I had to go back and but more!!! It was so much fun though! I wrote like 8 letters this weekend! Oh and then I proceeded to forget to grab them so I could mail them today. Oh well they'll get out tomorrow! So I'm shifting again today at the Reg. Not much eventful going on here. I'm just jamming to Hairspray and other awesomness. Well gtg back to work! Vale!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Almost time to go!!!

Wahoo!! Only 30 minutes!! TGIF! Vale!

Nothin much to do!

Yeah so they're running out of things for me to do today. I've already done two partial carts and am not pre-shelving in the mini cage. It's just kinda dragging today. I think I'm going to go sing on my break but I just don't feel like it. I don't know the library drains me. I need to get a key board!!! Then I could practice whenever! Blah! Must check out e-bay! Vale!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Almost time to go!

10 minutes!!!!!!!! :)

Shifting again!

So i'm shifting on the 4th floor today! No more folios! Wahoo!!! So me and Rachael went down town last night so I could pick up my replacement shuffle and we stoped at Girondeli's (sp?) and got some ice cream. It was fun. I'm so tired today though. Almost time for lunch. I think I'm going to take the day off from singing and just go and read for an hour instead. So I'm going to meet with Fink this afternoon to talk about musical rights for the show I want to do spring quarter. We'll see what happens. I hope we find funding so we can do it. Anywho must get back to work. Vale!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I'm in a rut. I don't know last night I was just sitting and was in an all around bad mood. I just want a change. You would think moving to Chicago and going to college would be enough. I think I've just moved too many times! But I didn't have much of this problem in FL. I think it's the summer. Every summer I just get so blah I want to go nuts. I thought it was because I usually spend my summer's alone and the lack of human contact was driving me insane but I don't know. I've got roomates and people at work and friends I can call whenever I want and it's still the same feeling. I don't know summer makes me restless. So Melinda and Kim were trying to come up with random silly things that I could do to break this pattern. But a moment of change isn't going to help. I think it's something deeper that I don't understand. I just hate summer and no matter what I'm doing or who I'm doing it with I just get so darn stir crazy and no amount of stirring will make it go away. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Workin' at the Car Wash!!

I wish! I'm at the library on my break. I'm shifting folios again. It's just oh so much fun. I met yet another Ben today. How many of them are there!!!?? I also hit my hand and my wound I got from the library last week started bleeding again. This place is dangerous! I don't mind the work though. It's pretty boring but my new shuffle should be coming in soon so I'll be able to hear in both ears again!! Well anywho. Voice lesson tonight. I really don't like all these high notes. They make me dizzy. I just can't control them at all. But they're getting there. I'm really liking the whole apartment situation. It's really nice to have people to hang out with and such. Well anyways I have to get back to work. Vale!!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I'm done!!!!

Wahoo!!! Bio. final is over!! Wahoo!!!! And I just finished my first shift at the library! Wahoo!! I saw so many books that I want to read!! It was pretty easy. Library of congress is silly though. So now I'm chilling at the reg because I don't want to go back to BJ where it's hot and there's no air conditioning! lol. Not much else going on. I'm going to go see Jeremy's elementary school play tonight and then there's an informal naked meeting after. I think i'm going to finally tell them all about the show I want to do. I've just been avoiding it because I guess I'm afraid they'll all think it's stupid or it'll be on fink's black list of sucky musicals. I don't even know how I want to be involved!! Do I want to direct, stage manage, dramaturge, audition? I really just have no darn idea. I really just want to watch it lol. It really sucks that the cast is so small so there can't be that many people invovled. Oh I hope they go for it!! Anywho, I'm off I guess. Vale!